lördag 5 november 2011

There aren't enough quotes, song lyrics or poems in the world to tell you how much you mean to me.

Jag brukar samla på "guotes" (typ citat på svenska?) o jag har faktist lärt mig mycket från sem, så ja tänkte att man skulle kunna alltti ibland sätta inlägg med dem :D för jag påriktigt gillar dem. Har 3 häften fulla me dem här hemma :D  så här har ni några (:

The happiest people don't necessary have the best of everything,
They just make best of everything they have.


There's nothing wrong with you,
There is a lot of wrong with the world you live in.
~Chris Colfer~


When we don't know who to hate,
We hate ourselves
~Shuck Palahniuk~


Does not always mean you are wrong
And the other are the right
It means you value your relationship
More than your ego.


In 20 years
You'll be more disappointed by what you didn't do,
than what you did.

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